Tuesday, July 04, 2006

'Twas the Morning of Independence and All Through the House....

All the creatures were stirring, and even the mouse....
Had hung up their aprons in the sewing room with care.
In hopes that the apron fairy, soon would be there.

To fill up their pockets with hopes and with joys,
And all sorts of goodies and candies and toys.

Here are three sweet little aprons for three sweet little girls. Just finished them, be watching the mail Sunshine.

Love to all and happy 4th of July!!



wendy harbaugh said...

Very cute the girls will love them. Total side note how did you do the favorite link thing I started a page today and want to do that.

JJ (Lady Di) said...

What a great blog!!! I found you from the MJ forums and boy am I glad. I still have the first apron I ever made. I made it in middle school when I took a sewing class. I haven't made any more, although I've bought a few patterns lately to make me some.

Hasn't the humidity been uggy around here lately! (I live in Mineral, in Louisa County) It feels so nice outside now that it's raining. I feel the same way you do about A/C. I hate closing up the house...but after a few days like this week, I sure am glad we have it.

wendy harbaugh said...

I have a blog now when I get you aprons I will take pictures of the girls and post them there for you to see an dthank you again.

auntgeorge said...

Cool!! Sunshine, be sure to leave your blog address!! I can hardly wait to see the photos of the girls with their little aprons!

Lady Di! Welcome to my blog. I've been out to Mineral many, many times with Bon Secours Home Health. I have left home health and now work for Johnston Willis. If you would ever like to meet, do you know where the Barnes & Nobles at Short Pump is? They have a nice cafe there! Email me if you would like to plan a meeting. I started a Farmgirl Chapter...just my girls and my self and I think Cindy who is moving to MIdlothian soon from California (aka: luganlass on the farmgirl site.) Thanks for posting to my blog and glad you like it.

wendy harbaugh said...

just click on my name in the comments here it will take you to a link. then Click on sunshine's creations

Final thoughts...

Thank you for visiting today. Feel free to sit for a spell and wander through my archives of sewing projects, aprons, original poems and stories, musings and vintage treasures. I really love guests in my home....and if you wish, leave me a comment so I will know you were here! AG