Saturday, January 10, 2015

Long time no blogging

I was just wondering if I could post to my old blog.  So many years, so many changes, Didn't know if Blogger still had my Blog!  I was hoping they would.  This is just a test post


Anonymous said...

found your blog when looking up how to care for nursing caps. REAL nursing caps. Enjoy your posts, hope you return to blogging and your other creative interests soon

Linda Rose said...

Trying to reach you about a poem you sold to Highlights, but our contact information seems to be outdated. If you get this message, please give us a call at 570-253-1080. Thank you!
Linda Rose
Associate Editor

Final thoughts...

Thank you for visiting today. Feel free to sit for a spell and wander through my archives of sewing projects, aprons, original poems and stories, musings and vintage treasures. I really love guests in my home....and if you wish, leave me a comment so I will know you were here! AG