Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Daily positve posting

One way to turn around is to always post something positive at least once per day. I once read a blurb that said: "If you can't something positive, then say nothing at all." Well, it has been a long time since I have said anything. Not that there weren't positive things happening, but, I just didn't have the heart to say anything. That has changed. A major portion of my life is writing. I love to write, I remember when writing was like breathing for me...well, I want to breath again, so here goes:

Breath upon my face
warm, loving like sun above
healing, giving life.

I have always loved Haiku, 5-7-5
Hmmm....perhaps I shall write a Haiku a day. That would be good writing exercise, afterall I started out writing poetry, I can restart by writing poetry.

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Final thoughts...

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